The Late Bloomers – Becoming a Swinging Couple


The Late Bloomers - Becoming a Swinging CoupleI’m what you might call a late bloomer. Not that we haven’t tried to go down the road towards non-monogamy before, we just never really got to our destination. We spent lots of time trying to get directions then making wrong turns followed by an extended stay at a rest stop to start a family. Years later we needed to figure out where the passion had gone. Sex is Fun led us to Life on the Swingset and the idea of trying to open up again. A lot of work went into this. It’s not a fun story so I’ll save it for another time. Instead we’ll start here with our first date as we became a swinging couple.

We joined mostly to find a local community. We never expected to have someone approach us, at least not so quickly, so our first flirt caught us by surprise. We decided to face our fear and respond. We got a good vibe from them and within a week we had scheduled a date. Turns out we were both newbies. We agreed to meet for dinner, lots of drinks, lots of conversation and perhaps a hotel afterward. They were honest and direct. They were only interested in same room sex, no swap. Worked fine for us since this would be our first time ever with another couple. We felt really good about the upcoming date and really looked forward to it.

The day of our date had events scheduled back to back with very little wiggle room. I arrived home at 6pm to find the babysitter, who was supposed to be there at 6pm, had not arrived yet. I lost track of time as I rushed to get ready. I put on sheer lace lingerie and garter like stockings. I covered all that with a clingy wrap dress. Looking at myself in the mirror I realized I hadn’t felt this good about myself in a long time. It was after I emerged ready for the evening that I realized something was missing. No babysitter and it was already 6:30pm. A phone call revealed she was stuck at a school event that was way behind schedule. She had never been late before and she felt terrible about it.

We now had to call the couple. They were very understanding about the situation. They agreed to wait. 7:00pm passed, then 7:30pm passed. Each time we called the couple to update them. At 8:03pm the sitter finally called to say she was on her way. 8:30pm we were still home and trying to get the kids to go to bed. This was when our youngest had a total meltdown because the sitter wasn’t there. We calmed him down then H put both kids to bed. I waited on the couch, with my coat on, wondering why this entire evening was going to hell in hand basket. H found me just sitting there getting a little teary eyed and tried to cheer me up. The night wasn’t over, they were still there waiting and if all else failed we would find something fun to do for the evening. At 8:45, the doorbell finally rang. We said a hasty goodbye to the sitter and rushed out. We arrived at the restaurant two hours late. To our amazement, they were still there.

We made our apologies then started to get to know each other. They were wonderfully relaxed and talked openly about everything. We shared details about why we decided to open our marriage and what was in the future. They liked us and wanted to move forward. We agreed to go to the hotel. Yep, this was really happening. Once in the room, each couple paired off. I don’t want to give away all that transpired that evening. Let’s just say it was all we had hoped and more. We didn’t stay separate for long yet we never fully swapped. I did a few things I had never done before which included playing with a woman for the very first time. We lay in exhausted bliss on the bed afterwards. Unfortunately, our sitter time was up so we had to go. We all hugged goodbye in the parking lot and she told me to call when we figured out our schedule. We got in the car and felt like the evening had been a great success.

We had a long discussion about it at home. H said it would take a while to process what happened mostly because things progressed so quickly. I made sure to remind him he could stop things or ask for things at any time. He assured me he would when felt he needed to. He made sure I was fine too. We both went to bed content with the evening and looking forward to future experiences.

I woke up the next morning quite possibly the happiest I had been in ages. One thing’s for sure, I never would have gotten here without Cooper and Life on the Swingset. It’s a satisfying feeling to have finally, officially, climbed aboard.


Technogeisha is a sex positive kinkster with an insatiable curiosity. She and her husband spent lots of time hanging with the LA fetish crowd but never truly opened up. That all changed after finding Life on the Swingset. No longer content to be a virtual voyeur, she is actively pursuing the life non-monogamous. Having a passion for research (that apparently borders on fetish) has led her to mine the internet and devour books for information about all aspects of open relationships and sexuality. It’s wonderful to be invited to share that passion with all of you. Technogeisha not only writes but works behind the scenes on the Swingset.

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