Swinger Meet And Greet Icebreaker Games


Swinger Meet And Greet Icebreaker GamesThese are games we've used for our meet and greet. We meet once a month in a public club where there are a few other patrons. We have between 60 and 120 people in attendance, couples and singles. Everyone is part of our online group. We started playing an ice breaker game because members had commented they were nervous about approaching new people. Quite a few people would come to meet and greet and just sit by themselves at a table. The games are a vehicle to get people up and mingling. They've been very well- received.

Discretion is a major concern so you will see that I address that in a light-hearted manner in the instructions.

My husband and I stand at the door and greet everyone and give them the items for the game. We run the game for the first hour, then we give the prize and enjoy dancing and meeting. The bar owners turn the music down when we play, at our request.

The week of meet and greet I post the game instructions online for the group. Most of what is written below are the instructions I post. I've also included a section about what I do to prepare the game and talk a little about the results.

I make a prize bag with little items related to sex or the holiday we're celebrating. Condoms, cock-rings, Mardi Gras beads, Pop-rocks candy, chocolates, curly straws. The owner of 3orMore.com was kind enough to send me bracelets, beer cozies, stickers and magnets. Kasidie.com sent me trial membership cards and “swag bags” with condoms. Members of our meet and greet group who sell sex toys have also done prize bags for me.

Ken and Barbie

I'll be handing out tickets at the door between 8 and 9. Guys will get blue tickets with a man's name. Girls will get pink tickets with a woman's name. Meet and greet and find your match!

The names are famous couples real and fictional. For example, Romeo and Juliet, Bonnie and Clyde, etc.

Discretion – If you are concerned someone might see you playing the game, memorize your name then eat your ticket or stick it in your bra. Ask someone if they are part of the group before trying to find your match. If they are not in the group, move along. Don't give them your cell number or dirty dance with them.

If your words match come find me to see if you won. If your personality matches, have fun. If your chemistry matches, really have fun…

There are no name tags, neon lights or blow-job contests associated with the game. If you swallow your ticket no one will ever know you played!

Preparation – I made up a list of 80 couples. I printed them on the back of raffle tickets. Since it's a swinger event, the prize-winning couple was Barbie and Ken.

This was the first game our group played. I allowed them to play as many times as they could during the first hour of meet and greet. Some people found 5 matches that night! The feedback was very positive. Everyone said the game made it so much easier to approach people and start conversations.

Sexy Treasure Hunt

It's almost St. Patrick's Day so I have a sexy treasure hunt for everyone to play! Wear your frisky green and come on time; I'll be handing out the treasure lists at the door between 8 and 9. Fabulous prizes will be awarded at 9:15.

Here's how the game works:
I will give everyone a slip of paper with 3 “items” to find. Approach people, ask if they are in the group and then see if they are on your treasure list. Meet different people for each item. Have a little conversation then mingle on.

For example here is how your list might look:

  1. A Guy going commando
  2. A single Girl
  3. A Couple new to meet and greet.

You do not need to see proof of any underclothing items! Just take them for their word and be honest! If you want proof go out to your car, lol.

Everyone wins because you'll get to meet at least 3 great couples or singles! Make an effort to approach new people and you'll be successful. Don't be shy, the group is very friendly and easy-going.

When you find all 3 items come back to me and you'll be entered to win the big prize. If you finish early you may play again for another chance to win and meet more great people.

Preparation – I made a spreadsheet with 11 guy items, 11 girl items and 11 couple items. I randomized them and printed them on 70 address label sized papers. So there were repeats of the items but the combinations were all different.

I had two plants in the group, one item was a girl with gold coins and the other was a guy with a green thong. I gave the guy a thong to carry in his pocket and the girl the coins to put in her bra. Pick people you like for this job, because they will love it and get a lot of positive attention. It is very funny, especially the guy with the thong.

Swinger Secret Codes

We will play from 8pm until 9pm. Each couple (or single) will receive a slip of paper at the door. There are 3 items on the paper:

1. Song – This is the title of a song you might hear while out at the club, in the bedroom with friends or in XX's backseat in the parking lot.
2. Sexy – This is a word or phrase describing something related to sex or swinging.
3. Place and Events – These are swinger places and events.

The object of the game –
Meet someone and get them to say the word or phrase.

Rules –
You can describe the word, act it out, hum the tune, or sing other parts of the song that don't include the title. You can tell them the singer. You can tell them which category they are guessing (song, sexy or places/events)

You can not say any of the words on the paper. You can not point to an item on your body. You can NOT take off your clothes or perform any sex acts. (Brad says I'm a spoil-sport on this one!)

You can ask someone for help if you don't understand the words on your paper, that person should not be the guesser though.

You should have a different person guess each item.

When you are finished bring me the paper. I'll give you a ticket and I will draw a winner from everyone who got all 3 words guessed. If you finish quickly and there are enough you may play a 2nd (or 3rd) time.

Discretion – If you are concerned someone might see you playing the game, memorize your three items then eat your paper or stick it in your bra. Ask someone if they are part of the group before trying to get them to say sexy words or song titles. If they are not in the group, move along. Don't give them your cell number or dirty dance with them.

Preparation – I made a spreadsheet with 69 of each of the 3 items. I asked my group online for sexy song ideas. Some people were quite prolific. That's why the instructions mention XX's backseat. I've found acknowledging people who help out with the group goes a long way in building community and positive feelings.

I printed them so there was one of each on an address label sized area and cut them out. For example, the slip of paper might say:

1. Song – Pour Some Sugar on Me
2. Sexy – Menage a Trois
3. Place or Event – Desire Resort

Some of the items were less common sex acts. They seemed to like that because it generated more conversation. One of the words was tribbing. No one knew what it meant so people were pulling up videos on their phones and passing them around.

I hope these games are helpful to you and your group. If you have questions or suggestions for other games feel free to comment below. I'll be posting a new set of games after we play them in the next few months.

If you are interested in running a swinger meet and greet you can check out my article, How to Run a Fantastic Swinger Meet and Greet.


Lisa and her husband have been married for 16 years and non-monogamous for 4. They live in a swing state and are active in their local community organizing events. Lisa's passions include reading, writing, crochet, aquariums and building an amazing local and online swing community.


  1. The swing club that we go to has a spoon dance. One couple gets a set of spoons. They each go to another couple and pass the spoon to dance with their partner. When the music stops the 2 people have to spin a wheel and do something revealing or sexy. At the end of the game a ticket is drawn. Everyone was given 3tickets prior to the dance. The winner gets to come to a party for free.

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