RodeoH Briefs Review: The New Way to Strap-On


51897032I have tried a variety of harnesses, and the RodeoH Briefs certainly takes the cake. I felt as though I had a real cock protruding from this pair of super comfy, soft briefs. I have had a real desire to eliminate the subtle reminders that I do not actually have a penis that some harnesses tend to give. With these briefs, I was able to suspend my disbelief and fulfill my fantasy of having an extension with which I could fuck my partner to ecstasy.

Let's talk about the texture and material that make these briefs what they are. These briefs are composed of 95% cotton and 5% spandex which made for a very smooth-feeling pair of underwear to start off. This meant that once the thrusting began, there was none of the chaffing or uncomfortable movement some harnesses have. They fit snugly, but not too tight. Once playtime began, I was able to focus more on my partner's satisfaction than on the way my groin was being rubbed raw or my skin was being pinched.

These briefs are comfortable enough to wear as a pair of underwear throughout the day and then be used as a sexy harness at a moment's notice. More than just comfortable, they're also stylish and cute as hell! I have found no other harness that can claim that. They come in nine different sizes based on hip size. The front fly is fitted with a rubber ring to secure a dildo with a flared base. The ring can be stretched to fit different diameters; optimal toy dimensions given by RodeoH are 5-6″ in length and 1.5-2″ diameter. I, however, used these briefs with a double ended dildo and it worked just as well. The brief was able to provide the support needed to not require the use of hands to guide the dildo or keep it from going where it was not intended.

My Play:

I chose to try these briefs out with a Feeldoe, which was inserted into me and able to come through the front fly. I was worried this might not work based on the design and photographs on the RodeoH website, but as it turns out it was AMAZING. It worked perfectly to both secure the double-ended dildo inside of me and my partner. I loved that I didn't have to keep readjusting with my hands. Every time I checked on the status of the Feeldoe's position, it was exactly where I wanted it to be. I only did this double checking because I am used to needing to do so, and because we have not yet developed the technology to have nerve endings reach up into the dildos we use in this kind of play  Someone out there, please make this happen for me.

I highly recommend the RodeoH Briefs for anyone considering play involving harnesses and is tired of being rubbed in all the wrong ways. I also think this style of brief would allow for use with flaccid penile inserts. Perhaps that will be the next thing I try out. I am very happy with the way these briefs fit my body and play style. I look forward to using them again very soon!

Thank you RodeoH!

And now at for a limited time (through May 19, 2013) you can get your own Gray, Claret or Camo Brief for $5 off.  Just use the promo code “SWINGSET” at checkout.
Full Disclosure: We did not purchase this product, it was sent to us specifically for review. Our policy is to, regardless of how we acquired a product, review it fairly and openly. No writer for Life On The Swingset will ever deliberately mislead our readers into believing that a product is good because of anything we received from the company. We are open and honest, and cannot be bought or bribed. If we love a product, we'll tell you, if we don't, BELIEVE us, we'll tell you that too. End disclaimer.

Geek/nerd. Sexually open. Gamer on PC or console. I play WOW and D&D. Love film and photography. I never want to stop learning and living life to it's fullest. Oh and I do a lot For Science!


  1. Just wanted you to know your review sold me, and the fact that they come in bigger hip sizes is a huge plus for me !! Can’t wait to get mine and give it a try 🙂

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