SS 173: Swinging With Scars – Body Image & Identity After Major Life Changes


Emotional scars, physical scars, both can wreak havoc on your emotional state and body image, especially when you feel different than before. Earlier this year Ginger took a hiatus from the Swingset for a body change, and tonight we're talking about why.

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A podcast about swinging, polyamory, open relationships, and "the lifestyle" from the trenches. A diverse group tackles many issues involved with non-monogamy and what it means to be a swinger or polyamorous from the point of view of educating and illuminating what, for many, is a confusing journey to start on. Subscribe on iTunes Subscribe on Stitcher Subscribe via RSS

1 Comment

  1. Too much emotion, empathy and compassion to form a well written comment, but felt the need to comment regardless.

    Thanks for sharing. That must have been difficult, but hopefully the difficulty was overshadowed by the catharsis.

    My mind just keeps coming back to something an old Rabbi of mine once said- “I’m not OK, you’re not OK, but that’s OK”.
    That then folds into something the Caralcopia gals said on one of their recent podcasts- ‘the biggest takeaway here is that you are not alone’. They meant that we all have these issues, which we do to one extent or another, but it could also mean that we are all connected, to one extent or another.

    We are all a bit broken, some emotionally, some physically. Some more, some less. That brokenness, however is what gives us the opportunity to help each other and to grow. A dark cloud’s philosophical lining- perhaps. Pontificating from the cheap seats- maybe.

    You, all of you, need to know, however, that you are not alone and there is much love, empathy and compassion being sent your way by many.


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