IF 003: Open Friendships – Intellectual Foreplay


Prof and Ginger tackle the conundrum that often in heterosexual relationships cross-gender friendships are considered odd, suspect, or even forbidden. Reflecting on their own experiences with sexy and “platonimous” friendships, they deconstruct the damaging cultural expectations for friendship when in relationships. Their take on open friendships means respecting each human deserves their own meaningful connections regardless of gender or relationship construct. Strategies for enjoying these friendships and reframes of expectations can create deeper trust and more fulfilling partnerships.

Interested in traveling to Desire with Ginger and Prof in April 2016? Email Ginger for details at ginger@lifeontheswingset.com.

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Connect with Ginger and Prof on Twitter @gingerntheprof @intelforeplay. Also follow @ontheswingset and @swingsetFM for all the Swingsetty goodness!


Ginger and the Professor indulge their sapiosexual selves for discussions about relationships, non-monogamy, and working and playing together.

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