The Crash Pad Series Queer Porn Review: Episode 162 – Sinn Sage and Joey Minx

Quick grinding, groan filled kissing and piercing chest slaps from Sinn Sage to Joey Minx is what it takes to get Episode 162 at started. As the kissing continues, Minx's butt is soon turned up into the air for more of Sinn's snappy slapping and gripping fingers with teasing intent. In a very slick move, Sinn slides back to move to allow Joey to kiss from the bottom up. As the passion-filled kissing continues, Sinn gets Joey on their back with “You're so hot,” as she leans up using both hands and her belt buckle to grind a strong rhythm against the Minx's mound & clit.
Soon the bold underwear is stripped away and legs are slapped apart as Sinn teases Minx's clit further with hard slaps to the furry mound and fingers dip inside. After tasting Sinn's slick fingers in their mouth, Joey  eagerly gets to work on Sinn's perky nipples & breasts. Quickly the barely-there top, belt and pants are tossed aside as Joey gets their head firmly down and held in place as Sinn grunts out, “Suck it through my panties.” This moment definitely gave me a sexy squirm in my chair. Don't we all need little bossiness in the bedroom at times? With Sinn's firm grip to the hair, she gets Joey back on the bed.
“At first, I was so impressed on how far down your throat I got my fingers,” Sinn groans as she gets back on top to further test Joey's throat with a beige dildo. The test doesn't last long as Sinn moves her skills hands down to work Joey's minx. In fascination, soon move of Sinn's hand is slipping inside to soon go into full on fisting Joey. (I personally haven't seen fisting, so first fist! haha) Great eye contact and intense moaning/ screaming on both ends to build to a great slippery climax. One problem for Sinn however after climax, getting her hand out until she turns Joey's lightly pink butt is air. The cum covered hand slow slides out and glistens brightly in the light before quick clean up licks from Joey.
Joey takes the lead as they lean Sinn to lay back and legs wrapped around her waist. As per request, Sinn slaps Joey's breasts in quick suck session before they ravenously diving down to Sinn's exposed flesh. As Joey's tongue and mouth work on Sinn, it's soon joined my two of Joey's precise fingers. The combination of tongue & fingers sets a pace to lead to Sinn high- pitched screams of her first orgasm. After Joey's fingers are licked up, Sinn takes back the helm so they lay on their sides and Joey's behind up in the air. With another quick slap, Sinn brings the beige dildo back into the mix and burying it deep inside Joey. Sinn moves to behind to create a thrusting rhythm Joey's behind and filled slit.
The thrusting is soon slowed down as Sinn lets her dominate hand to move the dildo faster into & out.
The more hands on approach definitely working for Joey more until Sinn has her spread eagle her legs & holds to keep them there into her orgasm. Sinn rings out the last of the orgasm with punching taps to the dildo. However she isn't done as she moves down to tongue & munch on Joey's clit. I love seeing Sinn's eyes measure the reactions as she drinks up more of Joey's juicy cum. With a few leg nips, Sinn works her way back into Joey's arms as they kiss tenderly between smiles. Moving aside their sweat-matted hair, the video ends with they are curled together in each others arms. Sinn is definitely the hard working dominate as Joey is the wide open receiver. I definitely enjoyed this episode and highly recommend adding slapping into some of your own bedroom play. Think of it as a pink highlighter to color your pages with. 🙂

"Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a man of wealth & taste,"- Rolling Stone, Sympathy for the Devil. No ThoughtswithAD is not the devil, but a decent tribute by the Rolling Stones none the less. As a new blogger/reviewer to every changing internet, figured it best to start on a familiar phrase. Speaking of familiar, I'm professional packaging designer with designs in major department stores across the US & UK. However my mind is a totally different story, hence the name. Either singing along to Queen on the way to work or spotting life's oddities around the corner, I like to give each thought it's own unique spotlight. In continuing to explore more corners of life/mind, I'm now signing up to review PORN. I'm a straight, engaged, artistic heterosexual female. Why did I include artistic when I already said I'm a designer? Well you try drawing a naked man or woman for 8 hrs. for two years of schooling, then you can add artistic to your own description. Anyhow I hope to add a humorous and honest reviews to encourage more people to look at sex. As per Willie Nelson, " You are always on my mind," and we all know it' sex at some point in the day. So now I shall show my support of the industry with a little wit of course.

1 Comment

  1. Here’s a completely-desperate attempt to see if Ms. Joey Minx is still prevalent on the internet? She was the first woman/pornstar that I was obsessed with. That’s when I was 14, I’m 23 now. I’ve recently made some artwork of her — I still cling onto the childhood perverse hope of giving it to her in person. Does anyone know any info? DM me on IG. @jacendraws

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