SS 243: The Bitchcast.


Katie Mack and Ginger Bentham are ready to #femmespread like you've never seen before. Talking honestly and earnestly about their experiences as women, Katie and Ginger get unapologetically bitchy. They share their uncensored and unfettered voices on topics like privilege, female socialization, male entitlement, rape culture, consent, and the true experience of owning your power. With humor, stories, and bonding over the pay gap, Katie and Ginger wind down with their list of demands from the men of the world…no more and no less. Brace yourself. It's the Bitchcast.

– Ginger Bentham

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You can Cooper’s novel about swinging, A Life Less Monogamous, at or his memoir “My Life on the Swingset: Adventures in Swinging & Polyamory” at as an ebook, paperback, or audiobook and if you buy them from his sites, use promo code SWINGSET to save 10%!

The Bitchcast. featured Karma Fields – Scandal, featuring C.C. Sheffield, off the new album New Age | Dark Age.


A podcast about swinging, polyamory, open relationships, and "the lifestyle" from the trenches. A diverse group tackles many issues involved with non-monogamy and what it means to be a swinger or polyamorous from the point of view of educating and illuminating what, for many, is a confusing journey to start on. Subscribe on iTunes Subscribe on Stitcher Subscribe via RSS


  1. William Spencer on

    Man splaying… why does it have to include man? Splaying by anyone is an asshat move. Yes men are more likely to be splayed out on a bus but it does not need to include man to communicate the issue. If we are discussing a woman splayed out on the bus distinguishing her gender as a group does not add to the conversation. Saying some asshat was splaying out on the bus communicates the problem. If it’s a man saying this guy was splayed out on the bus is discussing an individual asshat without grouping all men under the term of asshat splaying. Saying woman splaying would be just as inappropriate as it groups all women in the same group. Discussing splaying (a behavior) is very different then labeling a group with said behavior. Not all men splay just as not all women Splay. Labeling people is not helpful as they tend to get defensive. By discussing the behavior creates a more safe space for conversion to start.

    • You’re right, WHY does it have to include man. I mean, just because men do it all the time and men are clearly the ones doing it to these women, why on earth should they be allowed to voice their truths without someone sticking up for the dickbags who were assholes to them? How DARE they? Thank GOD you were here to stand up for those men who are unfairly judged for man-SPLAINING. If you didn’t, I’m afraid just no one would ever stand up for men. Whew! Dodged the bullet.

      Seriously tho, “not all men”?!?! Did you LISTEN to the podcast? Or just have it pass into your eardrum.

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