Swingers in a Magic Bullet Infomercial? Oh, yes!


I received a lovely email from Mr. M Sugarshack Jr this weekend with some wonderful compliments about the show and website, and pointing out something that was unexplained in a certain Infomercial for a certain OTHER Magic Bullet product.  Take a look at even just the beginning of the infomercial below.

So…they're clearly staying in this couple's house. They clearly had a wild night the night before.  They're not all on vacation.  I think we, the enlightened, can all draw our OWN conclusions here!  Mr. M Sugarshack Jr's thoughts are below:

I wanted to share a story that you and the gang might enjoy.  I used to work in TV and had two overnight shifts a week at master control.  I thought getting paid to watch TV for eight hours would be fun but then I found out quick that you couldn't change the channel.  Anyway, there is a infomercial for the Magic Bullet (I know, great name) that has since gone through some revisions and recastings.  The basic premise is that a diverse group of couples gather in the kitchen the next morning after some sort of party.  Alcohol use at the party is implied and each person gets to find out how their favorite food is made so much easier with the Magic Bullet.  My training is in the performing arts so I kept thinking “Why are these people in this kitchen?” I finally figured out IT WAS A SWINGER'S PARTY!!!  Right after I figured it out the old woman with a white nightgown and a cigarette hanging out of her mouth joined in and no one claimed her as a relative.  That sealed it.  So the next time someone complains that there are no products for swingers on TV, the answer is The Magic Bullet.  Not sure there are attachments for EVERY need, but it would be fun to try.

Thanks for the heads up, Jr! The Magic Bullet conspiracy is about to blow wide open!


About Cooper Cooper S. Beckett is the co-founder and host of Life on the Swingset: The Podcast since 2010, author of swinging & polyamory novels A Life Less Monogamous and Approaching The Swingularity, and memoir My Life on the Swingset: Adventures in Swinging & Polyamory. He teaches and speaks on swinging, polyamory, pegging, play parties, and coloring outside the boundaries of your sexuality. He is a graphic & web designer, photographer, and voice over artist, has been a guest expert on Dan Savage’s Savage Lovecast, & is the announcer of Tristan Taormino’s radio show Sex Out Loud. He is currently working on two instructional non-fiction books, one about beginning non-monogamy, and another about pegging.

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