Review: Tor by LELO (aka My First Cock Ring)

First cock ring?  I know!  A sex positive guy such as myself has never used a cock ring?

Well, I have once, sorta.  It was one of those weird jelly monsters that have bullet vibes on either side.  It was ridiculous and not sexy and after about two minutes, I just had to let it go.  And ever since then, I really haven't bothered.  After all, cock rings come with a whole bunch of warnings, don't leave it on too long, keep a scissors handy to cut it off if need be, etc.  I don't want to get dependent on any product that could ultimately cripple me.  But perhaps that's being overly neurotic.  Sounds like me.

So when I opened the box for LELO‘s Tor, it intrigued me.  Here was a silicone cock ring that was very stretchy, so that alleviated part of my concern about not being able to get it off in a hurry, with what looked like a little cargo space on it.  Closer inspection revealed this to be a rechargeable (and removable) vibrator.  The vibe has six different pulse settings including rising and falling and a continuous mode at different speeds.  It's not terribly powerful, but does a good job.

The Tor is designed to be worn either around cock and balls or just around the penis.  I tried both and found that I liked the sensation more when it was around both.  The tightening in the area was very interesting.   I also tried the ring with the vibrator both above and below.  When playing on my own, below is the way to go.  During intercourse, above can stimulate your partner's clit and below just makes your whole cock seem like a VERY lifelike vibrator.

As a good cock ring should, it restricts blood flow OUT of your cock by clamping down on the veins leading away, which can allow you to maintain erections easier and even when slightly flaccid keeps a good deal of blood in.  This might be a good step if you have a shy cock.

The Tor comes with a little carrying case that keeps the  vibrator and ring separate while charging and transporting.  After scouring the manual, I couldn't find a reason WHY they're separated, just that you should.  It also comes with a charging plug.  The rechargeable vibe removes the need for large replaceable batteries and allows for the small footprint for the vibrator, but comes at a price.

The Tor retails for about $100, which is a fairly standard price for a silicone vibrator, it does seem a bit pricey for a cock ring, however.  That said, as my first cock ring, Tor wasn't a life changer, but was a fun little bit of spice to add to an existing routine.  It's definitely going in the toy box.

All LELO products come in high end looking black boxes and include one year warranties.

Full Disclosure: We did not purchase this product, it was sent to us specifically for review. Our policy is to, regardless of how we acquired a product, review it fairly and openly. No writer for Life On The Swingset will ever deliberately mislead our readers into believing that a product is good because of anything we received from the company. We are open and honest, and cannot be bought or bribed. If we love a product, we'll tell you, if we don't, BELIEVE us, we'll tell you that too. End disclaimer.


About Cooper Cooper S. Beckett is the co-founder and host of Life on the Swingset: The Podcast since 2010, author of swinging & polyamory novels A Life Less Monogamous and Approaching The Swingularity, and memoir My Life on the Swingset: Adventures in Swinging & Polyamory. He teaches and speaks on swinging, polyamory, pegging, play parties, and coloring outside the boundaries of your sexuality. He is a graphic & web designer, photographer, and voice over artist, has been a guest expert on Dan Savage’s Savage Lovecast, & is the announcer of Tristan Taormino’s radio show Sex Out Loud. He is currently working on two instructional non-fiction books, one about beginning non-monogamy, and another about pegging.


  1. Finger-lickin-good on

    I just received one of these as a gift, so in trying to learn more about it I ran across your review. As a listener of your podcast, I appreciate the opinion. This is definitely a high end sex toy and not one of those jelly things. We were just talking about whether cock rings are used on your own, and I had never really considered, but now I'm going to try!

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