Molly and the Colorado – Geologic Swinger Time & A Bisexual Girl


sexy bi girlsIf you live in the south western US you’ve probably heard that the Colorado River is shrinking. Yes, blame global warming. Yes, blame the population boom. Yes, blame people in Phoenix who insist on having golf courses in the desert. But you can also blame the Colorado. As it turns out, this is just something it does. Over a period of decades the river and larger area go through cycles of drought and flooding. (Stick with me people, the hot sex part is coming up soon) It took scientists so long to realize this because what they thought was a lot of data (70+ years worth) was actually pretty minuscule on a geological time scale. They were thinking in human years instead of river years and came to a completely wrong conclusion due to a narrow view.

This is what happened with me and my friend Molly. I was thinking in swinger years, instead of human years, and wound up having my narrow little view blown wide open.

I first met Molly and her husband TC at a private party several years ago. TC and I hit it off right away. In addition to fantastic sex, we became close friends almost instantly (I usually have a terrible time making friends). I liked Molly, too. She was a smart, sassy redhead from the south who swore like a sailor during sex. We had fun playing at a nude beach, going to dinner and shopping—what a joy to shop with a woman with my body type! But she was also reserved. Coupled with my own shyness and trouble making friend, especially female friends, we progressed much more slowly.

While I term myself “completely bi” (all other things being equal, I am equally happy having sex with men and women), Molly terms herself “hetro-flexible” (depending on the partner, she may be comfortable having sex with a woman). I also knew that she had been dealing with health issues that affected her libido, but she and TC seemed to have an active sex life, both in and out of the lifestyle. When we got together TC tended to be the focal point of our threesomes. Molly didn’t seem to mind me as part of the play, but I felt that she was rather placid and half-hearted when it came to the two of us.

As my friendship with TC became more intimate, I was worried about the inequity of having a close friendship and passionate sex life with one half of a couple and a mild friendship and mild sexual encounters with the other. It seemed all out of balance. Would there be tension? Jealousy? Emotional infidelity (whatever the hell that’s supposed to be)? But TC and Molly reassured me that they were both very happy to have me as a friend and a lover. After two long years I finally stopped worrying about our lopsided triangle, especially as my friendship with Molly strengthened. But I had come to accept that she just wasn’t all that into me sexually.

Two years feels like a long time in swinger terms. Sexual intimacy can mislead you into thinking you know someone better than you really do. Two years just isn’t enough time to take the measure of something, be it a river or a woman.

Last winter I hooked up with Molly and TC for a day of shopping followed by some play time. The shopping was fun and Molly seemed to be in great spirits. Some of her health issues were easing and she confided that she was feeling more like herself. Back in their motel room Molly floored me when she ignored TC entirely to make out with me (not that I objected!). Smiling, TC went to buy condoms in the lobby.

I had the rare privilege of having a horny, gorgeous woman all to myself. Figuring I only had a few moments before TC returned and jumped in, I was hot to get as much of Molly as I could. Molly seemed to have the same idea. Our tongues clashed and just the sensual pleasure of my mouth on her silky white skin was enough to make me wet and crazy. Frantically, we pawed each other’s clothes off, desperate to get as much skin to skin contact as we could.

Molly got aggressive and pushed me back so she could suck on my nipples. I could feel the tug of her mouth all the way into my belly and the brush of her hair across my skin gave me erotic goose bumps. We rolled back and forth across the bed, bucking and grinding against each other. Molly started swearing when I plunged my fingers into her wet pussy and I cussed back at her with every dirty word I knew. I held her and held her down while she came and then frantically went to work on myself. I wanted to come before any of our sexual energy had time to dissipate. With Molly’s mouth on mine and her hands on my body it was only moments before I was bucking and squealing as an intense orgasm ripped through me.

Once the post-orgasm glow abated, I realized TC had returned a while ago and neither of us had paid him any attention. Molly and I had just had a complete (and blazing hot) sexual encounter. Just the two of us.
“What was that?” I had to ask. “I thought you really weren’t all that into me. Sexually, I mean.”

Molly shrugged. “I told you. I’m feeling more like myself.” Apparently Molly’s actual self was a lot more bisexual than the one I thought I knew. Right before TC jumped in to join us for round two, I realized that two years didn’t seem like such a long time anymore. Not a long time at all.


Originally a Pennsylvania girl, I have been a writer for 16 years and a unicorn for five. I come armed with condoms, a Masters in Screenwriting from USC and an overdeveloped sense of the ridiculous.

1 Comment

  1. I love your story. It is so easy to get caught up in swinger time. Two years is forever with swingers lol. I am so glad Molly’s sex drive and lustiness was reinvigorated and that you got to have some fun with it!!


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