My Montreal: A Swinger’s Mecca


You’re probably familiar with the cobblestoned charm of my city’s Old Port district, the delicacies of its French cuisine, or perhaps even its ebullient, vanilla nightlife. But did you know that Montreal is also a swingers’ Mecca? I don’t mean underground, exclusive house parties or sex off-premises bars – although these scenes exist here too. What I’m talking about are on-premises, fully exposed threesomes, foursomes, orgies, and gangbangs. Get the word out, people: In my hometown, having sex at a swinger’s club is legal.

A Little History
We are indebted to a man named Jean-Paul Lebaye, owner of the notorious L’Orage Club, for our community’s legal emancipation. Founded in 1996, L’Orage continues to host intimate soirées for paying members. To this day, it is reputed to be the gangbang club of choice among discerning female swingers on account of the high calibre of its male clientele.

After a seven-year court battle initiated by a police raid of L’Orage in 1998, the Supreme Court of Canada finally ruled in favour of sex clubs in 2005 on the basis that they cause society no harm. The outcome? In Canada, it was now legal to have sex at swingers’ clubs, provided that the club in question was “private,” i.e., required the purchase of a membership. Wanna get the inside scoop on the scene in 2011? Below you will find a review of my two favourite Montreal sex clubs: L'Orage and Le Celeste.

Five-Star Fun: My Two Favourite Clubs
L’Orage Club: Don’t be fooled by its unassuming storefront on St-Hubert Street. As you walk into the dimly lit vestibule with its suggestive red glow, the only thing keeping you from living out your wildest fantasies is a thick curtain separating the outside world from the escapist playground you will find inside the club.

Once you’ve made your entrance, three distinct spaces beckon you, each with its own potential for pleasure. You can start off slow by chillin’ out at the bar and surveying the crowd on the dance floor. On hot nights, the action starts here – I once saw a foursome (three guys, one gal) start to play in the go-go dancer cage.

The next space is for experienced players only – the action is hardcore, and there is literally nowhere to hide: The room is full of double beds, some elevated on platforms, others tucked away in corners. In terms of décor, picture a large loft space whose dark walls, hanging transparent curtains, and Doric columns offer a nod to the orgiastic rites of ancient Rome.

If you’re in the mood for something a little more cozy, make your way upstairs to the second floor. The outdoor patio offers players a space to relax after a hook-up (FYI: No fucking on the balcony, unless you wanna get nailed for indecent exposure). On the other hand, the secluded playroom featuring four beds and some groovy tunes to get you into the right head space provides a more intimate area for couples and singles to get freaky.

Need a bathroom break? You’ll find private toilets equipped with mouthwash, towels, wet wipes, and condoms on every floor, but the Roman Room toilets are the coolest, with their wall-to-wall French porn cartoons.

Some final pointers: I’ve been able to gauge that the average age at L'Orage ranges from early 30s to mid-40s, although well-maintained, older couples do make the rounds sometimes. Also, most players tend to be attractive, clean, middle class or well-to-do (its is not unusual to see a handful of Porsches line the street on summer Saturday nights).

Curious to learn more? Make sure to check out L’Orage Club’s bilingual website:

Le Celeste: A haven for first timers, soft swingers, and exhibitionists on account of its private and semi-private rooms, Le Celeste boasts of play areas that will appeal to your most voluptuous fantasies. Do you dream of being ravished in a Chinese brothel? Ever wanted to get your freak on at a peep show? What about sucking off your man (or the man next to him) at a glory hole? The list of marvellous play spaces goes on, including: a Jacuzzi; a jungle-themed, mirrored, black-light room; a pussy-eating room with a one-way viewing window; a barren confessional chamber complete with a prie-dieu and its antithesis, the sex swing; not to mention a large dance floor; pool tables; a non-alcoholic bar; and a midnight buffet for when you get the post-sex munchies.

Unlike at L’Orage Club, where all beds are open, Le Celeste offers players the opportunity to negotiate the participation of other guests by means of visual barriers. Rooms have either a chain, a door, or both, depending on where they are located. Couples can use the chain to allow others to watch, or can close the door for more privacy. If you are selective about whom you’d like to invite to share your intimacy, I recommend using the chain to screen possible sex partners.

The lowdown: Le Celeste used to be located on St-Hubert Street, but after a suspicious fire bombing it reopened at its current site on highway 40 in St-Leonard. Perhaps on account of its previous location’s easy accessibility by public transit, the club used to draw a younger, urban, 30-something crowd. The vibe has changed considerably since then; during this past winter the average age was a lot older (50+) and considerably more suburban. (No offence to the older generation, but having sex in front of out-of-shape couples who are the same age as my parents was a big turn-off!) However, my man and I checked it out again as recently as this early June, and the trend seemed to swing again in favour of a younger, more refined set of players.

Curious to learn more? Check out their website:


Consummate sensualist Emmanuelle Undine reports on the non-monogamous lifestyle scene north of the border in her Swingset series The French Connection. Part autobiography, part critical-reflective sex journalism, her blog Emmanuelle Undine: A Siren Laid Bare reflects on the sexual adventures she shares with PC, her husband.


  1. My advise to single men, don’t waste your money in this place, 30 men chasing one old ugly woman, with the $200 i spent there, i’d b better a nice escort.

  2. very friendly and great dance floor located in suburbia. dry bar ??? everyone is drinking something somehow somewhere? a bit of twisty labryinth leading to wonderfully crazy sex rooms . would recommend albeit $$$ taxi ride from downtown. dancing till late then the play starts…enjoy

  3. Desire swingers on

    Well, as a human being, we all have some wicked desire, and the fulfillment of such desire can only possible through adult dating, where people can make friends, and be in relationships for fulfilling their fantasies. So friend, if you are one of those looking for making ‘lifestyle couples’ to satisfy your desire then find a genuine adult dating site, which can give you such privilege to make a sexy, flirtiest chit chat with social partner.

  4. I visited Montreal’s Celeste this weekend. The lady on the phone said, on Fridays they usually have 150 people. I came and saw much less. The man inside said, usually about 60 people come on Friday. Deceptional practice of bait and switch?
    In short, I did not get anything and did not see any good action. I swear, even the best single man in the world would be very unlikely to get anything that evening. People, primarily single men, walk from room to room hoping to see something, with almost no hope to join. In some rooms old couples copulate. In the dance hall there were some pretty ladies of 30th. They had But most of them are old, fat and smoking.
    The premises are much less spectacular than they are described on the web. Before I visited clubs organized in houses. They were given much better care. In Celeste all the rooms looked quite shitty and disordered. The fee they collect would be enough to renovate maintain the place. If I was lucky to get somebody there, I confess, I could be hesitant to lay my body on those bed surfaces.
    I will not come again to this specific club. I do not know about the quality of other clubs in Montreal, as I am new here.

  5. Hi Pavlik,

    Wow. It sucks that you had such a bad time in Montreal. Sadly, with the closure of Sauna 1082, we have very few sex clubs. For a more refined vibe, you can head to L’Orage. Keep in mind, however, that theirs is an open-concept sex club with no private spaces.

    If you want to read more about Le Celeste, check out my most recent review of a Saturday night:


    Emma xox

  6. Hi Avisa,

    Sadly, less than 10% are African-Canadian (or Asian for that matter). Fortunately, the crowd is not all white (we like variety). We’ve seen a fair amount of players of East-Indian as well as Hispanic descent on a given Saturday night.

    I hope this helps!

    E. xox

  7. Thanks for your great insight.

    I would love to go to l ‘Orage this weekend. I’m visiting
    Montreal for a few days and look forward to exploring.
    Is it worth a single 40 year old guy (in good shape ) going to the club? Yes, I’d like to play, but I’m also keen to explore the atmosphere and just watch, dance, etcetera… Advice greatly appreciated.
    Great blog!

  8. Hi, i want to go a swinger club in Montreal, but I dont find a good one, I mean, I went to sauna3333 and is a place for gays, then I went to OrangeClub and I didn’t like it. In 2012 I went to the Celeste and i liked it, but now is close it. could you recomended a good one to go and spend a good nihgt having sex witn many men^ Thank.. kissss. What about Cinema L’amour^

  9. My wife and I are looking for a place with some private rooms or even better a room that gives the option to allow others to watch. Is there a club in Montreal with such an option?

  10. emmanuelle undine on

    Hey there,

    Rumour has it that the Celeste is going to re-open this summer in Montreal…. 😉

  11. Emmanuelle – what a breath of fresh air. An active ‘swinging’ conversation on montreal! I just moved over from the uk and after many google searches was starting to worry about whether I would be able to continue in the lifestyle 😉 It appears l’orage might be the place to go for a young 30 something single guy. It sounds from an earlier post that maybe there aren’t too many people of African descent, but hopefully they might be able to add black British to the list…:D

    Is dress code fairly smart on a Friday? Also, is there a ‘swinging’ website where like minded folk get to chat and meet? And one final question, what is the house party scene like in general?


  12. Mid 40s couple here, looking for first visit to a swingers club. My wife and i really get turned on by gangbang videos, so I am wondering if there are gangbangs happening at l’Orage or Sauna 3333. It would be very exciting to watch, but no, my wife is not interested in being in one.

    Any news about the celeste reopening?

  13. My husband and I are planning a trip to Montreal.
    We are looking for an attractive, clean, sexy, “over 50’s” club….baby boomers, who are experienced in the lifestyle swingers preferably licensed for a alcohol lounge..or byob….thanks in advance..cuz I’m sure you can help us out!?

  14. I’m heading to Montreal next week and would love to go to L’orage, the only night I would be able to go would be a Thursday night…would it be a good place for my boyfriend and I to have some fun, with the 2 of us and more people?
    Thank you for your help!

  15. Thank you very much for such a candid and entertaining description.

    We are visiting Montreal this weekend and based on your words, we will check out L’Orage Club.

    My girlfriend Janessa loves dancing and this sounds like the right place for us to dance and perhaps more…

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