New Year’s Resolutions for the Non-Monogamous


Popped Cork - Swinger New Year's ResolutionsI've never been one to take the idea of New Year's resolutions all that seriously. But if the idea of a starting point for mass individual self-improvement works for you, may I humbly suggest a few ideas that would benefit our community.

What follows isn't a swinger bucket list or a swingo card, these are challenges that if completed would not only benefit you but also build and strengthen our community.

1) Attend at least one event

One of the simplest things you can do to help our community is to just be a part of it.  Go to a local meet n greet, or club or something. Even if you aren't attracted to anyone there, mingle, talk and socialize. It helps just to know that there are other like-minded people out there.

2) Be a host

Host something. It doesn't have to be big, it doesn't even need to be a party. Not only will you be benefiting the people you host, you also learn how to be better guests.

3) Build at least one new friendship with a lifestyler

By friendship, I mean a true friendship that exists in and out of the sack. The lifestyle is filled with some of the best people out there. That couple you always gravitate to at the club, see if they like to go hiking, or to a museum, or a show.

4) Be a mentor

There are always going to be newbies. Find some, and lend an ear. Be objective, you're trying to help not to score.

5) Try something new

I don't care how long you have been in the lifestyle there will always be something you haven't done. Make it a point to reach out of your comfort zone and little try something new.

6) Come Out

You don't have to come out to everyone, but come out to at least one new person. This is a tough one, but it can be the one of the most positive ways to support the community. People need to know that we are not complete evil freaks. We are their neighbors, co-workers, friends, dental hygienists and only freaky in the best of ways.

7) Donate

Any amount helps. There are plenty of lifestyle friendly charities out there and they truly need your support. Think, Planned Parenthood, ACLU etc…

8) Buy something from a lifestyle friendly company.

Sometime this year you are going to buy a toy, condoms or lube. Make that purchase from somewhere that is giving back to the community. It may end up costing a bit more, but you are likely to get a better product or service. Plus you are making our community more marketable. And that is a huge help.

9) Get tested

No explanation required.

10) Get a Podcaster laid

They, more than anyone I can think of, are creating and fostering our community nationwide, even worldwide. They deserve at least a little something-something.
How about this year, you not only try to improve yourself but our awesome community as well. Here's to a fabulously fun 2012!


FJ routinely wears a "fucking loves to cuddle" t-shirt to swing parties. He’s male component of the swinging couple, Playset. We’re a early 30’s couple who have been together AND non-monogamous since high-school. We’ve been active member of our local (DC area) lifestyle community for over 6 years.


  1. These are lovely suggestions. I used not to believe in New Year’s resolutions but increasingly I think this is a great time of year for some healthy instrospection and stating one’s priorities. Well done! RH

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