Author: Crista Anne

Crista Anne is a Progressive Pleasurist, Sex-Positive Parent and Intersectional Feminist. Foundress of, she's been working in different spheres of sexuality for 14 years. Frequent contributor to the Carnalcopia podcast, lover of glitter, rainbows and coffee, you can find her @Pinkness on twitter. "She was a vision in rainbow. Like Lisa Frank and Rainbow Brite had hot sex and Crista was the result." -Ashley Manta

Yes, I’ve taken a mini vacation from writing about #OrgasmQuest. When I said that it was to combat the massive burnout I was experiencing, that was true – but it wasn’t the full story. Each night this week I’ve sat down and started a Quest post, only to get a paragraph or two in before I was paralyzed by a panic attack. Not just that I’m an introverted person who is uncomfortable with the spotlight (though that is true) but because I can’t handle the harassment. Ever been globally mocked and slut shamed? Cause I have now and it’s…it’s a…

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