So, now I am 30 and have been in the swinging lifestyle for roughly a year. To say this last year has not changed me would be a lie, but I don’t feel changed. I feel as though this is who I always was, it is just now that the inner me shines through without being dulled by the chains and constraints that had been placed on my by myself and society.
Author: Jack
We were with some good friends that we had soft swapped with before and I am pretty sure they knew we were ready to full swap. They had heard about my full swap experience from me and probably through the grape vine.
As the two weeks pass between setting the date and the date itself pass I see the Mr. online less and less. Something then came up at the last minute that forced Anne and I to reschedule. Since I hadn’t seem him online, I texted him and he informed me that it was not a problem to push it back a week. During that week he was not online at all. The night of the date I got a text and he informed me that the Mrs. had to work late and that they could not make it. I told him not to worry he could contact me online and we could reschedule.
It had been a good while since we had met anyone new in the lifestyle, but there we were at a bar awaiting a new couple to arrive for drinks. I had talked to the man of the couple online quite a bit. From what I gathered they were very excited to meet us. In our classic style we arrived before them, so we had time to be at least half way through a drink before they arrived. I am still to new to all this to pretend to not be nervous meeting new people. Maybe you never get used to it. That wouldn’t be too bad. After all, the nervousness is part of the excitement.
I posted how Anne and I have outed ourselves as swingers to our close friends. I found out about a wine tasting and sent out an invite to all my local friends, monogamous and non-monogamous, on Facebook. I had four vanilla-ish friends come and one swinger friend (she came without her husband as he had to work). They all arrived at my house, I introduced my non-monogamous friend to the others, and off we went to the tasting. The wine tasting was fun and fairly uneventful. The only thing that sticks out in my mind is when all of the…
It was the first party we had attended of the summer. Anne was looking sexy in a cute little sundress. I was, in my opinion, rocking my new awesome straw fedora. Anne told me I looked like I was a tourist going to Jurassic Park, specifically to be eaten and not to save the day. I thought I looked awesome. As usual, we arrived at the party fashionably early (I hate being late), though, surprisingly, we were not the first people there. There was another couple and a unicorn already there. All night long I couldn’t seem to, for lack…
The following stories all occurred over a period of a few months as Anne and I gradually outed ourselves to more and more people we call our vanilla friends…
Polyamory freaks me out. To be totally honest, I am needy. I require a lot of love and attention from Anne. Lots. Anne and I have discussed polyamory some before. I am uncomfortable sharing her emotionally on that level with someone.
Since we began our swinging adventures I have had a hard time figuring out how to fit this into my already relatively full life. At the very beginning, a few months back, we had dates every weekend sometimes two. Being newer to the lifestyle, they didn’t necessarily lead to actual swinging, but they still took time. Time that I would have normally spent doing something else.
Once our profile and pictures were up, it wasn’t long before people started to contact us. For the first week or two we politely declined most of them. We had a few things to take care of before rushing headlong down the road. One couple, however, peaked our interest. They were similar in age to us and we figured we should pursue that a bit and see if we meshed. We chatted with them on IM once, and then they disappeared. We didn’t stress about it. We did contact them to say hello again, and they said they had been…