“I am not a sex educator,” I told her. “But you blog about sex positive…
SpareParts Hardwear has always been known for its excellent harnesses. The Joque Harness has been one of…
Sometimes it’s hard to be awkward and unsure. It can come out as endearing, it…
I will admit it; I love fur. Fur provides a sexy feeling; it is soft,…
Our friends at Vibrations Direct in the UK sent us the Realdoe by Tantus for…
This week, for the first time since I’ve been out as (almost-)polyamorous, I got an…
Mr. D. and I had a second experience with the same hot single guy recently.…
My name is Zoe Hanis and I am an introvert by nature. I have major…
I like vibes that have something unique or special about them, but not gimmicky. So…
I see the word revolutionary tossed around a lot when it comes to sex toys…