Good day. So I was thinking of writing in the third person to introduce myself…
I am the jealous one, when it comes to my husband being with another woman. My husband is completely fine with wanting me to be with another man. I have finally come to grasps with this and I am ready to try swinging. I however want to be able to please my husband in every way possible in the future
So, it’s really no secret, at this point, that I may be a bit biased…
It takes a big man to admit when he is wrong. And ladies, Cooper Beckett…
When we decided to give this swinging thing a try, I never realized just how much work it would actually be. I’m not quite sure how I thought we would meet people. I guess I assumed the perfect couple would just show up naked at our door, ready to go. It’s a lot harder than that. (That’s what she said…)
Since we began our swinging adventures I have had a hard time figuring out how to fit this into my already relatively full life. At the very beginning, a few months back, we had dates every weekend sometimes two. Being newer to the lifestyle, they didn’t necessarily lead to actual swinging, but they still took time. Time that I would have normally spent doing something else.
I’ve liked girls as far back as I can remember. My first crush was on…
Ooooh boy… So I’ve been taking a bit more … “me” time lately and I…
Prof and I have a new fun bedtime pastime: browsing porn together. YouPorn makes it so easy to have a broad spectrum of categories and ways to search. We climb into bed with our iPad and let the fun begin! Although I’ve found that what is fun about this pastime is less the porn watching and more the browsing.
There is nothing I love more than a great massage. They are perfect anytime and…