Once our profile and pictures were up, it wasn’t long before people started to contact…

After Shira discusses the wonderful world of sex and feeling better that came from having her IUD removed, Ginger talks about the benefits of hers, and Dylan discusses exploring his wife’s…for science. Ginger regales us with Prof’s solo date with a friend, Cooper and Marilyn take separate dates, and we discuss a wonderful trip to Couple’s Playhouse, a swing club in the suburbs of Chicago, and our experiences within in part one of our two part discussion.

It seems as though there are so many things to “come out” about these days. Being gay. Being bi. Being an atheist. Being a Wiccan. Being non-monogamous. It’s an unsurprising by-product of a progressing society. Rather than shamefully hiding your atypical lifestyle, you embrace it. You meet others who are like you and develop a circle of gay, atheist, non-monogamous friends. Unfortunately, your parents/family/coworkers/local grocer may not be as embracing of your “atypicality.”