I suffer from what Dan Savage refers to as “The Death Grip,” an (admittedly) self…
I love when someone comes up to me and tells me how great I smell.…
Let me introduce myself. My name is Emmanuelle, or Emma for short. The first thing…
Once our profile and pictures were up, it wasn’t long before people started to contact…
From the sound of the names, Rocket Balm & Flower Balm from Hot Pants, I…
Three days after learning that the Lifestyle didn’t go out of style with electric blue hot pants, I was just as curious as my coupled friends had been about the erotic possibilities of swinging. But unlike them, I didn’t have a primary partner. I didn’t know about the websites. I didn’t have any late-night encounters with girls during my college years.
We are friends with two swinger couples who have shared their experiences with converting the vanilla. For one couple, it did not go so well.
I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that Cooper had applied Get Lucky’s {a…
“So, you hang out with swingers, so what are they like?” A friend that was…
After Shira discusses the wonderful world of sex and feeling better that came from having her IUD removed, Ginger talks about the benefits of hers, and Dylan discusses exploring his wife’s…for science. Ginger regales us with Prof’s solo date with a friend, Cooper and Marilyn take separate dates, and we discuss a wonderful trip to Couple’s Playhouse, a swing club in the suburbs of Chicago, and our experiences within in part one of our two part discussion.