In Episode 4, we discuss compersion, the term that finds you experiencing pleasure because your partner is experiencing pleasure, versus jealousy, a term we all know. The Swingset gang discusses how to overcome jealousy in many situations, all striving for that nirvana called compersion.

It’s some high and mighty spin with a buried lead. The jist of the article is that sex has become somewhat trivialized and non-romantic. People are having sex with more partners at the same time (which, according to the article is called “‘concurrency,’ in sexual behavior lingo” [And Isincerely doubt that a term like concurrency has EVER been able to be termed “lingo”]) and they’re doing it in so called “friends with benefits” relationships and “nonromantic sexual encounters.” So, what’s this doing? SPREADING DISEASE! LIKE HERPES! Run for the hills, swingers, our friends with benefits and other nonromantic sexual encounters, and dear god, our CONCURRENCY is going to kill us all!

In episode 3 we discuss the sad state of affairs American conciousness is at regarding sexuality, from the RNC’s new lesbian-bondage-strippergate, to sex ed, to the pros and cons of staying in the closet as swingers, to sex toys, and the fact that everybody’s really just jealous.