SS 111: In Bed With the Swingset II – Recorded Live at CatalystCon East


Cooper, Ginger, Shira, Dylan, Miko, Ophilia, and The Professor ™ all get in one hotel room before their CatalystCon East session, hop on a couple beds, drink some wine, and have a casual conversation of how much they love each other in this episode of Life on the Swingset, The Podcast!

We discuss how consistently impressive Ginger's panty selection is, and we touch… just barely touch on some of the mail that we've received and responded to, while Dylan falls completely off his rocker and rants about religion and politics the likes of which you've never heard on this podcast. If it helps, it's surrounded by heaping amounts of sexiness, flogging, under the shirt play, plenty of flirting, and a very, -very- unhappy Cooper Beckett.

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A New Inquisition: The Vatican targets US nuns



A podcast about swinging, polyamory, open relationships, and "the lifestyle" from the trenches. A diverse group tackles many issues involved with non-monogamy and what it means to be a swinger or polyamorous from the point of view of educating and illuminating what, for many, is a confusing journey to start on. Subscribe on iTunes Subscribe on Stitcher Subscribe via RSS

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