It’s not a perfect solution. I gave him the thumbs up and started fucking the other day. But as soon as my amazing stallion of a husband mounted the girl, her husband immediately went limp. My playtime was over. Mr. D handled it like a champ though. He called me over to suck her pussy and his balls while he was fucking her doggie style. Then he turned me around and started fucking me. And it was up to the girl to deal with the limp cock. I think we might be onto something here….
Although I made the mistake of sharing this strategy with our new semi-regular playmates. And in that situation, my new partner and I are the ones that need to slow it down since the beautiful blonde and my husband like a slower pace. So if we start going at it, they feel like they need to “catch up.” So, my new strategy isn’t perfect. But on the whole, it’s a good rule of thumb to consider.
1 Comment
Amen, Mrs. D! Through our year of playing with others and dealing with the fall out from each experience (good, bad and so-so) I finally came to this realization. I need to have my needs met first & if the other gent is uhhhh….not participating, take action and include me in yours. I love the way Mr. D handled it and will share with my Mr Fox.
Bella X