Programming Notes: August 2015 – TMSG’s Back, SEAGG Monthly, GPSC Weekly, IF Soon!


Hi Swingset.FM Fans! Things are always changing over here and I thought you should know about some of the big ones.


Tell Me Something Good

Sophie and Samantha have been on hiatus since May. They've recorded a “where we've been” episode, make sure you listen, they discuss their hiatus and how life changed. They also have quite a few episodes in the queue, they'll post as much as they can until they're ready to spool up to weekly!


Sex Ed. A Go-Go

Lola and the Pussy Posse have been riding hard the last few months. Their LIVE in NYC show has always been ahead of the podcast, but we've never been closer to parity! They recorded their latest show this Thursday (that'd be yesterday for those of you on the Gregorian calendar) meaning we're as of this moment, only one show (and one recent) away from releasing a SEAGG the week after the live show.


The Gentleperverts' Social Club

So Perverts… you spoke, I listened. We're going to release bi-weekly… or twice a month, whatever I can sustain. 🙂 Two hours in a single monthly show was too much to properly digest… plus things happen and I like to be timely. So, we'll see if between your submissions and my plucky can-do attitude we can make this happen more often. I already have Samantha Frasier, Katie Mack, Dirty Lola, Andrea Renae, Mr. Pent, and The Frisky Fairy queued up for our next episode, I can't wait to see what you all submit!


Intellectual Foreplay

Ginger and the Professor have been teasing us for YEARS (…that's two) about Intellectual Foreplay, the Podcast! Now it's funally happening. September 2nd we release Intellectual Foreplay #1, here's hoping you're there to listen. Until then, keep listening to the Gentleperverts' Social Club since IF segments have run twice (on Episode 3 and 5), they'll keep appearing until they're out on their own!


As a co-host on Life on the Swingset and creator of The Gentleperverts' Social Club, Dylan Thomas speaks candidly about nonmonogamy, kink, and non-normative sexuality to eradicate the stigma and shame that keep people from expressing and being who they want. He brings awareness to issues involving gender identity, equal rights, and intersectionality by creating discussions with people who feel unaffected by them. He also creates learning opportunities for men to become stronger allies and better people. Find and feel free to engage him on Twitter.

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