Review: Alia Clit Vibrator by LELO

LELO Insignia Alia Clit Vibrator Review
LELO Alia Clit Vibrator

Pink, quiet and soft as a mouse. LELO‘s Alia, from their Insignia line, is the silkiest, smoothest clit vibe that has graced my skin. Pretty as a pearl and fits in the palm of my hand. It almost seems too lovely for me to be using it as a personal clit massager.

The Alia is a egg shaped clit vibe with a hole in the center to insert your fingers and get your grip. It has a smooth outer silicone layer that comes in three colors: Pink, Deep Rose, & Black. It has three buttons that control the vibration intensity with 6 different changeable modes. Alia is also fully rechargeable so there's no need for batteries. Alia gives you no less than 4 hours of intimate pleasure. Best of all Alia is totally waterproof so you can bring her along with you the tub, shower, or hot tub. She's also very easy to clean, just a little warm water and anti-bacterial soap and she's all good to go.

As clit massagers go, I am very particular in what I require to get me to cum. Overall I need power and not just a strong hum. It needs to blow me away and give me a brutal kick in the ass. I went in with an open mind when trying out LELO‘s Alia. I wanted to give her the best opportunity to surprise me!

I started with Alia on her lowest setting and had her touch my soft clit lips with a gentle kiss. It was very soft and sweet and was pleasantly warming me up. I increased her intensity a few notches to get me moving along faster. Things were good, and I was getting slightly wet, but nothing thrilling was happening. I needed to know what she could really do, so I pushed her up to the highest intensity and pressed her hard against my clit and pussy. I was touching and rubbing my breasts at the same time and was feeling very pleased with Alia but she wasn't getting me to my happy place. The experience was very relaxing and tender, just wasn't what I was looking for.

I was sad. I really wanted Alia to be the one to change my outlook on clit massagers. Unfortunately, she is very similar to the others. LELO‘s Alia is gorgeous, soft and sensual and is good for beginners or someone who like the gentle touch vibration. Just isn't that kick in the ass I'm looking for. Hopefully one day I will be fortunate enough to find one.

The Alia comes with a charger, black satin storage pouch, Insignia brooch, and full one year warranty.

Full Disclosure: We did not purchase this product, it was sent to us specifically for review. Our policy is to, regardless of how we acquired a product, review it fairly and openly. No writer for Life On The Swingset will ever deliberately mislead our readers into believing that a product is good because of anything we received from the company. We are open and honest, and cannot be bought or bribed. If we love a product, we'll tell you, if we don't, BELIEVE us, we'll tell you that too. End disclaimer.



  1. Sweet! I love the hole to put your finger through. I think I might just go out and buy one! Thank you.

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